In preparation for the European elections, the European Parliament Liaison Office in Belgium mandated Inventio to organize a great debate within the student community of Louvain-la-Neuve, which brought together some 150 people. Two main themes were on the table that evening: “Europe: Freedom or Security? (What to do with personal data?)” and “Science: When in doubt, abstain? (The precautionary principle in question)”.
Students of the Kot-à-projet “Kot citoyen”, with whom we collaborated for the organization of this debate, were able to prepare during an interactive workshop three “pitches” to question the members of the panel: MEPs Marie Arena (PS/S&D) and Philippe Lamberts (Ecolo/VERTS-ALE), professors Élise Degrave (UNamur) and Alfred Bernard (UCLouvain), as well as federal MP Jean-Jacques Flahaux (MR International).