Europe: only for the rich?

European Parliament Liaison Office in Belgium

In view of the European elections, the European Parliament Liaison Office in Belgium has mandated Inventio to organize a debate on the theme “Europe: only for the rich?”


This debate was held on the UMons campus, and was organized in collaboration with the Law School of the University. Students had the opportunity to prepare a series of questions to share during the debate, through a workshop using collective intelligence methods.

They were able to interact with the speakers of the day: Philippe Lamberts (Ecolo/Les Verts/ALE), Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR), Olga Zrihen (PS), Laurent De Sutter (DIEM 25), Felipe Van Keirsbilck (CNE-CSC), Johan Bruyère (Gilets Jaunes), and Anne-Emmanuelle Bourgaux (UMons).

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