What's your Europe?

European Parliament Liaison Office in Belgium
Brussels, Brussels Parliament  

As part of the communication campaign around the European elections, Inventio organized, at the request of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Belgium, a debate bringing together the French and Dutch-speaking heads of lists as well as a hundred young people between 18 and 26 years old.

Four themes (immigration, fight against disinformation, fight against poverty and environment) were on the discussions table, within the hemicycle of the Brussels Parliament which hosted the debate, at the invitation of its President Charles Picqué.

After having exchanged their points of view during the morning and reflected together, through a “World Café” workshop, on the questions to be addressed to the MEP candidates, the young people present were able to share their questions and listen to the debate with Paul Magnette (PS), Geert Bourgeois (N-VA), Philippe Lamberts (ECOLO), Mounir Laarissi (cdH), Olivier Chastel (MR), Benoît Cassart (DéFI), Guy Verhofstadt (Open VLD), Petra De Sutter (Groen), Jan Cornillie (SP.A) and Kris Peeters (CD&V).

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